115 reviews for NuWoman 30 PLUS - Natural Hormone Balance Support

  1. Jo

    Amazing results with 30Plus, PMT non existant, stress levels are right down and energy levels are awesome. Thanks so much for an amazing product

  2. Donna

    I have been taking 30Plus NuWoman for approximately 5-6 weeks now, for me they have restored my wellbeing tenfold. Being of the Mature age I have been experiencing side effects of menopause, mood swings, weight gain and tiredness, just to name a few. When I won the opportunity to try these miracle pills (my new name for them) I was a bit dubious as I thought that like a lot of Women my age you just have to grin and bear the changes that we will all go through, but I was wrong…, these pills have alleviated a lot of the side effects that come along with Menopause, the main one being the mood swings, my husband can attest to this as he wore the brunt of most of this. I would recommend trying these but also give them time to work, it won’t happen overnight but I did see changes in how I was feeling and found I was a lot calmer, so my family now have a calmer and rational person back in their midst, and I am still taking the pills and will continue doing so. They have definitely got my THUMBS UP….

  3. Fiona

    Have got through one box and my emotional roller coaster seems to have settled a bit so on to my next box. I just got more at Countdown Lincoln Rd, which has them on special $29.99 for box of 60

  4. Ange

    Hi guys…almost a month in taking your product…love love love it…I am so much calmer and relaxed and have heaps more energy….I have for a long time suffered from having facial hair…black ones….I was plucking daily…I now pluck maybe once a week and then its only the odd hair…brilliant to see it has reduced so much and wasnt expecting that at all also my acne has become very minimal….love love….this product is brilliant….I thank you 🙂

  5. Melanie

    Been taking for over a year now, and wouldn’t be without it. I am calmer, have more energy and less sugar cravings. I stopped for a month or so and realised I can’t live without it. Couldn’t recommend enough!!!

  6. Robin

    I am feeling a lot more clearer in the head, since starting these 2 weeks ago. I didn’t think I would notice anything so fast, but so far, I’m really happy with the product. And hopefully I can afford to keep on these xxx ❤️

  7. Suzy

    Amazing product I’m on my second month and know I cannot live with out these pills thankyou so much

  8. Jillian

    I’m about 5 weeks in to my trial of 30plus NuWoman and I’m happy to say I’m really pleased with them. I feel more balanced hormonally, I was having problems with my skin and it seems to have largely cleared. I have more energy and have been sleeping better (when my little one lets me that is!). Thanks so much for the trial!

  9. Jodie

    I feel like I have more energy and a lot less sleepy during the day

  10. Rebecca

    Been on these for just under 2 months, and have found I am sleeping 100% better than previous and also feel more calm. Looking forward to the next month to see what else these great tablets can do.

  11. Cheire K

    a great product that really works, I have been taking 30 plus for years and I highly recommend

  12. Katrina

    Only product that helps me! Tried others as no longer able to get in Aus but they just don’t work. And within a week of being off 30 plus I’m a wreck! Thank goodness you ship! Love how they are natural and I no longer have to take hrt.

  13. Josy

    I have only been taking tablets for about 3 weeks. I am far less emotional and teary! And when stressful situations arise I don’t get flustered! Love this product!

  14. Amelia

    I’ve been taking this product for about a month, in that month I’ve had more energy feel happier and quit an 18 year smoking habit, and I truly believe I wouldn’t have been able to kick it without 30 plus it’s my life saver

  15. Sarah C

    I love it! I need it to survive my crazy hormones!

  16. Katy

    Such an awesome product. Makes me feel normal!

  17. Rachel

    I have been taking 30 plus for years now, but cannot buy it in Australia anymore. These guys are great with fast delivery though.

  18. Celine

    Love the product, been using it for ages but have not been able to get in Australia recently. These guys ship from New Zealand fast and safe. Thanks guys.

  19. Michelle

    This product is my saviour. Two tablets a day and the monster inside me fades away. Thanks 30plus

  20. Kal

    Amazing product. My life has changed. Knew there was something up. Doctor kept chucking anti depressants at me. Tried and they did nothing. I’m a very hormonal person it was ruining my life. These are the best thing ever. No crankiness, crying over crap, list goes on. I’ll never go off these.

  21. Lisa

    I have been taking 30plus Nu Woman for a couple of months now and find it fantastic! I have finally lost some stubborn weight that I haven’t been able to shift for the last year! My energy levels are up and I feel awesome! Highly recommend giving it a go!

  22. julie

    Been using 30plus for 2 yrs love this product but unfortunately can’t purchase in Aust thanks to you guys who ship from New Zealand

  23. Marg (store manager)

    This stuff is the bombdigidy! Has totaly change my anger issues.

  24. Michaela

    So far I have been on 30 plus for about a month. I am noticing that my stress levels are nearly nonexistent lately which is amazing because I always used to be stressed about something. Also noticing an increase in my energy levels which is amazing!

  25. Kylie

    I have been taking these for a few years & they are awesome. Balances me out, helps keep the sugar cravings Away

  26. Melani

    When i first brought these i was more then a little skeptical but to my amazement they really really help! I used to get very sore heavy legs and feet, sore breasts, grumpy moods and get emotional but all this has nearly gone…im sold on these

  27. Kim

    And I said 3 months I could do that in a day …lol

  28. Becks

    My happy pills! Love these, they totaly stop me from being a psycho lol.

  29. Dani

    I won the free packs and omg these are amazing, once I turned 40 I felt blah/tied and I’ve never been a crier but man I cry at everything even at t.v ads!! But since starting these just over a month ago I’ve got more energy I’m happier and I’ve stopped crying at a drop of a hat!! Soooo Thank You so much will definitely be a member for life!!

  30. Karen

    For about a year I knew something was wrong, for a week every month I was moody,depressed and anxious a black cloud came over me for no reason. 30 plus was my only hope of a natural product.
    WOW!!!! Im amazed how this product could sort my head out in such a short time. No more doom and gloom.
    If youre reading this you must give it a go…it works 🙂

  31. Trish

    I’ve been taking 30plus since the middle of December 2015. It has helped me a great deal with depression and general wellbeing. I’m a happier person. Thanks 30plus. Great product

  32. Tania

    I was a lucky winner of a 3months supply. 1 month down and feeling great. I’ve noticed it is easier to get up in the morning and I’m not as worn-out during the day as I used to be. I think maybe my moods have stabilised as well. Looking forward to the next two months on them. Again thank you for the win.

  33. Melissa

    Brilliant product that really works. Highly recommend 30Plus NuWoman.

  34. Milly

    This is a wonderful product.I feel more in control of my moods and the energy is such a difference. Yet to feel the curb in cravings but I’m sure that will come in time!!

  35. Ngaire

    I wanted something natural to help me deal with my emotions. I have found that I have alot of energy and also I very rarely have afternoon naps. I have been able to focus and feel that I have become more calmer. Thank you 30Plus it is well worth it.

  36. Tracey

    I,ve been taking these for a long time now, you could buy in any chemist ,know very hard to buy anywherehave to ordet fro N,Z what a pain

  37. Gemma

    I was sceptical about this but after just 2 weeks I already feel a difference. My sleep has improved and my moods are more balanced!! Can’t wait to see what happens by week 4!

  38. Tania

    I am me again!! Have been taking them for about two weeks!

  39. Sarah

    Amazing product! 4 weeks now & I feel so good!! Energy levels are back!! Calmer, happier & excited about the coming months!!

  40. Bronwyn

    Hi, have been on these for three weeks after winning them and I am less stressed, happier and sleeping better. Have started a new job at the same time too! Would def recommend

  41. Sonia

    Hi I don’t normally write on Facebook. I have started taking 30plus one in morn one at night this week. Is it normal to be boiling hot to the point can’t sleep or I’m freezing cold. Then the next night I slept 10 hours straight. Slightly weepy and headachy. Bit like my pms. Yet on one hand not as angry little bit more calmer. No sugar cravings. Should I wait and see if it levels out or maybe take only one tablet a day…. I do take multi vitamin/mineral and fish oil pills, one for joint. magnesium at night as well. I’m taking them because I’m in stages of pre menopause also previous pms. Any suggestions? Cheers Sonia

  42. Melinda (verified owner)

    I have been using 30 Plus for about 8 years now, since I was 46 years old. They are a wonderful product for me. My moods are better, my health is better and even going into menopause, I find I am not getting hot flushes, depression or putting on a lot of weight, as they curb the sugar cravings. Love that they are a natural product and that you are shipping to Australia. I wasn’t impressed when they took them off the shelves here. They really work well and I rave about them all the time….

  43. Nikita

    I was lucky enough to win a 3 month supply of 30 plus. I have been taking it for over a month now. I feel more energized, calmer and my moods are evened out. Thank you so much 30 plus. Will definitely be buying this product.

  44. Nicola

    Love these. I was stressed out, always yelling and snapped at the click of a finger. After 2 days my other half noticed a big change and after a week I have loads more energy and motivation. When I am happy my home is happy.

  45. Kylee

    These tablets have virtually saved my life ! And the best thing about them is they are natural. Wow. No words can express how amazing 30 plus is. I have gone from having 1 or 2 migraines a week to about 1 in the past few months. And I actually feel like I’m normal again. No more mood swings. Yay 🙂 Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  46. Michelle

    Just over 2 weeks of taking 30Plus and I’m starting to notice some great changes. My moods seem less ‘extreme’, sexy drive has improved and overall feeling better. Looking forward to seeing more improvement in the coming weeks. Thanks so much.

  47. Rochelle

    Brilliant! It has really helped me. Some days are better than others but overall this has certainly helped to pull in my very short fuse, sleeping and energy

  48. Claire

    I absolutely love this product. Seriously life changing!!

  49. Nick

    Since i started taking 30plus, i have noticed a huge change….less tired, grumpy and even though i still overheat a little, it is nowhere near as bad!! I would reccomend these to any woman at any stage in their life….wish id tried them years ago!!! I will continue taking them forever!!

  50. Angie

    Hi there, I won a 3 month supply on Facebook, Im so lucky to have. I have to say when I first started taking them I thought they are not doing a thing, but after the 1st month of taking them and a few tears later, I found my periods got lighter and cravings went away plus the mood swings had calmed down, I have recommend them to other friends and would highly recommend for someone looking for help. A

  51. Lynn

    I have only been on these for a month but have noticed I am not such a cow now. I feel more relaxed, I dint growl my son as often. Work stresses are not a problem where before I would get upset and even walk out. They are my uppers

  52. Vanessa

    Hey ladies So I won a 3month supply on Facebook. I’ve been taking for a month now and I must admit after the first 2weeks I didn’t notice much difference. Still crazy and embarrassing emotional . However this last week I’ve noticed a huge difference. I’m not so tearful or angry my stomach is less unsettled I have more of a drive to do things that I haven’t had in a long time. I’m hoping the longer I take the more I’ll improve . These only seem like small changes for most people but for me it’s huge. So thank you

  53. Beverley (verified owner)

    I have been taking these tablets for a long time, back to the days they were called ’30Plus’. they saved me thru a dark period. So glad to be able to buy them from NZ, was disappointed they are not available in Australia any more. Thank you for this wonderful product. My problems will keep me taking them for ever. Yes- they really do work for me as described & are a ‘natural product’- love em.

  54. Nikki

    Hi ladies. I was lucky enough to win 3 months of 30plus. I am a regular user of this amazing product and can certainly tell the difference if I forgot to take them for a couple of days particularly the week before my period. Totally recommend this to any one who experiences PMT or feels lethargic or not 100 anytime during the month. It’s a godsend!

  55. Sheryl

    Hi I have been lucky enough to win the 30 Nu women giveaway from Famy Health diary! Thanks so much and will let you know how it all goes started taking spplement today

  56. Karla

    Had a massive year of life changes.. big ups & huge downs with loads of down days & tears. Literally days after taking Nu woman 30 plus I felt better. Brighter.. happier.. not so irritable or upset/sad. I’m a part time fitness trainer & have got majority of my woman clients onto this product. I love it.. it has absolutely helped me over the past 3 months.. 100% recommend it

  57. Vivien

    Great product! Feeling much more calmer and less moody.

  58. Donna

    Hi everyone I was lucky enough to win a 3 months supply of 30plus NuWoman. In the first 2 weeks I wasn’t sure if I felt a difference or not but was feeling as though I had more energ. After taking for a month I do feel as though I have more energy I don’t seem to have the same cravings I originally had for sweet treats. Some days I sleep really well but not so great other days but by saying this I usually feel more rested and sleeping well has always been an issue for me with waking several times throughout the night. I have noticed I feel more relaxed and I will continue taking these.

  59. Michelle

    Just finished my 3 months supply and have noticed some great changes and will be buying more. Sleeping better and skin not affected by hormones as much.

  60. Ayline

    Been on 30 plus for a few weeks now and I’m feeling calmer and not so many mood swings love it.

  61. Christine Donk

    AMAZING SUPPLEMENT!!! I’m on my third month of taking these and wow, I still can’t get over the results! Since I miscarried twins earlier his year my hormones have been all over the show and the PMT I was experiencing the week before my period was awful. Not only have all those symptoms disappeared but I am sleeping better than ever before! No 1am, 3am and 5am wake ups and if I do wake up (from one of my children) it’s straight back to sleep. Subsequently my energy levels have increased. So glad there’s a product out there! Thank you

  62. Trina

    Very informative…. Luv that I’m not alone and that other’s are goin thru the same thing

  63. Carla

    I was lucky enough to win a 3 months supply of these amazing things!! After taking for 2-3 weeks I noticed that my hair has started growing back in places where it had thinned out and my skin is looking great and feeling amazing. I’ve also noticed I sleep better and have more energy during the day. Can’t wait to see what the next few weeks brings!!

  64. Leanne

    Several years ago I was feeling dizzy and just off and I tried these and they fixed the problem. I kind of forgot about them but a few months back I won a three month supply. They really just seem to make me feel much more balanced. My emotions are more settled and I have lost the dizzy feeling I was having again. My stress levels are more stable and PMT is not as noticeable. I highly recommend 30 plus!

  65. Macushla

    I’ve been tired almost all the time since I first started teaching. I started taking NuWoman a few months ago. This is the first time in 17 years that I haven’t been tired all the time.

  66. Susan

    I have just restarted on these and am feeling more grumpy headachy and my stomach is upset also not sleeping well only taking the morning one so far was on it last year and had no problems felt great I’m hoping its just my hormones readjusting do not like being so grumpy everything and everyone is getting yelled at….lol…hope it doesn’t take too long to level out or I will have to stop

  67. Janine

    Started taking these on the 9th January 2018 & they are totally agreeing with my body..love it! Thanks so much for a fab hormone fix! I will continue taking these for as long as my body needs them ..thanks again!

  68. Judyanne

    30 plus is fantastic as you do notice when you are not on them

  69. Melanie

    Not sure if these are working for me or not! I’ve weaned myself off my anti-depressants and taking these instead. I’m definitely still getting mood swings and I get constipated all the time. Part of me wants to stop taking them to see if there is a difference! The upside is my nails are fabulous!

  70. Nicole (verified owner)

    I have been taking Nu women 30 Plus for 3 weeks and I am so grateful for such a wonderful product!
    My first day of my period would usually have me writhing in pain- stomach cramps and pain that would have me in bed early with the electric blanket on high even in hot weather to try and get relief. Analgesia helped little.
    Last week has been the first time for so long that I have had no pain- no cramps , the whole day I was waiting for my usual horrible pain but none! So thank Nu women – 30 plus must be the reason. ??

  71. Melissa

    I went to the doctor awhile back in tears thought I was going Bat shit crazy! Anxiety attacks, hot sweats mood swings etc and straight away the doctor gave me a script for anti depressants which I wasn’t keen on so I did some homework and found this stuff, only a month later and I am back to normal and my nails are amazing! It’s unfortunate that doctors often diagnose depression straight away, as hormone issues and depression have very similar symptoms.

  72. Sarah

    So grateful to have found this product. I was really tried all the time. I had really painful periods and before they arrived so low. Now I have no signs before it comes no where near as painful and my moods are so much more stable. I am not waking up tried but ready to do life. Life just does not seem as hard. Thank you so much for this product.

  73. Aimee

    These tiny tablets have been a life changer for me! I don’t know why I didn’t try earlier. I didn’t really think a tablet was going to change anything but oh how wrong I was! Never going back now!

  74. Laura

    These were the best thing that happened for me. I was really out of sorts and like some women on here as well , I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with depression. I saw these and thought I’d try them instead of anti depressants, turned out it was my hormones out of whack. I couldn’t recommend these enough

  75. Vanessa (verified owner)

    Im 48, and Before I started on 30plus, I would get regular headaches/migraines. Since taking 30 plus for the last year, I havnt had any, until today…I ran out of 30plus about 10 days ago, and today, had to cancel all my afternoon clients, (I’m a hairdresser), due to a migraine (I get aura migraines, where my vision becomes impaired, but also felt like my eyeballs were going to burst)…I couldn’t afford to buy any more, but found some money to go buy some more today. Could be a coincidence, but I truly believe 30plus has been of so much benefit to me and my crazy hormones. I recommend them to a lot of my clients.

  76. Jane

    We all seem to be living such busy lives these days, it’s hard to keep up! But after using 30 PLUS NuWoman over the past month or so, I’m starting to notice it’s having a positive impact on my life – particular with my mood swings, stress & energy levels. It supports my busy lifestyle as a full-time working mother of 2 kiddies. I’m also currently in training for my next half marathon event, and I know it’s helping me get closer to this goal. I would strongly recommend it to all women ?

  77. Sue

    Since i gave this a go, my family are reporting I am calmer. (They aren’t as afraid of upsetting me) This alone is a massive thing. I am not getting as angry as quickly, I’m not crying over silly things, and don’t feel quite so lost. I look forward to seeing what the future brings with it! As an endurance runner, my body gets smashed, my hormonal levels are all up the whoop, and stress/frustrations are usually high.

  78. Rachel

    I have been taking NuWoman for 1 month and already feel like my moods are more even and I have less sugar cravings. I can’t wait to see how I will feel in a couple more months.

  79. Andrea

    I have been taking 30 PLUS NuWoman for years and it is literally one of the best things I could ever have done for myself as a woman. I suffered from awful PMS and more recently Perimenopause. My hormones always made me feel like I could literally do away with someone at that time of the month so this natural supplement has helped me like no other.

  80. Ngaire

    After having 2 kids, my hormones were all over the place. Happy one minute and a screaming emotional reck the next. I’m still trying to find my balance, but 30 PLUS NuWoman has been a God send. I’m sleeping better, eating well and I find I’m not yelling anymore. I have a somewhat of an inner calm.

  81. Trace (verified owner)

    I have been on 30Plus for over 25 years .
    I am now 52 and going through menopause.
    To say that it has been a life saver is an understatement. My hormones were so far out of whack that I was suicidal .
    6 weeks after giving birth I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and depression when all along it was my hormones .
    After a long road of different medications l found 30Plus and have never looked back.
    My hubby always says that if they were ever to stop making it ,he would buy a pallet full first lol

  82. Rachelle

    This is a wonderful product, it has certainly helped with regulating my periods again in just the two months I’ve been on them, it’s also helped with my mood swings, I would love to stay on these but money is very tight so back to mood swings and 3 week long periods again lol.
    I do recommend these to every woman to just try, if they don’t work for you then there will be something that does but I had to find out that they worked about the 3rd week into them, they are great!!

  83. Samantha

    Have been taking this for around 3 weeks now and I love it I was recently on the depo provera injection and have stopped getting it as I was having horrendous mood swings grumpy tired anxious the lot. This has helped me so much I highly recommend!! And please anyone thinking of going on depo provera contraception please do some research first for me it has been an absolute nightmare doctor told me it was nothing to do with the depo injection and I needed anti depressants but I went with my gut feeling and have come out much better off after listening to my body and taking these. Also my nails are so much stronger!! Highly recommend 🙂

  84. Alexandra

    Wow! I’m 29 and so glad I came across this while researching hormonal imbalances. I feel like a different person, alot more calm, sleeping better,food cravings gone & seem to have more energy.Initially in first week I got a few headaches & a bit of nausea but as long as taken with food this subsided within a week – I wish I knew about this years ago! Thank you 🙂

  85. Franjelico

    I had terrible hormonal acne after having kids, and really short cycles. After two months on 30 my cycles are back to normal and my skin has improved so much. I’m so glad I didn’t have to go on some super intense drugs to help my skin!

  86. Maree

    I was lucky enough to win a 3 month supply of 30 Plus. It quickly became routine to take morning and evening (I’m not usually very good at remembering but had no problem this time!). I have found that I am more settled in my emotions, not seeming to have many ups and downs, which has been great given a bit of upheaval in life this last year. I had hoped it might help with my migraines which could be hormonal, but unfortunately they don’t seem to have altered much. But I would definitely recommend at least trying 30 Plus – go on, give it a go!

  87. Shelly

    A year ago I became a new “older” Mother, as its called in the medical world… Having a second child at 42 with an 8 year gap from the first one… It hit me hard physically.. The pregnancy was the worst, with severe case of Hyperemesis gravidarum for most of my pregnancy.. thinking this child is trying to kill me.. We then gave birth to a very healthy baby boy who is just a delight.. except for the fact that he stripped all of my body & mind of pre pregnancy normality.. I had severe mood swings, waking up angry for no reason at all.. more tired than usual, no energy, unable to sleep, feeling just completely not myself.. questioning myself if i had post natal depression?? but I was happy in general, loved my life, family, lifestyle & didn’t feel depressed… just felt on edge & unable to rationally deal with things as I normally would… I was taking vitamins, eating well, exercising.. but still felt bad & the weight was going no where but up… I saw the add for 30 plus on TV one evening, a light bulb went on.. My hormones must be out of whack after the pregnancy & birth.. So I ordered some & started taking them.. Within a couple of weeks I was a new women back to me again… I felt my normal! it was a huge relief on me & my poor family!! Now its just the usual PMS systems but even that is way way better with my rational emotions more in check at our womanly time…The 30 Plus has been a sanity saver! I swear by it & would recommend it to any women of any age who are feeling a little not like themselves… I only ask do you make one for kids as their hormones change.. to help them cope.. one for boys specifically I am after.. ??

  88. Melissa

    Fantastic product! Awesome to help even out moods and assist with weight loss. It’s a great one to use to improve your overall well-being. I wouldn’t be without my daily 30-Plus

  89. Nicola

    I have just started taking this. I have gone from having 7 to 10 day periods with three days of flooding unable to leave the house. To having a very easy manageable period. Amazing thank you

  90. Yvette

    I’ve been taking these most of this year, my skin is alot clearer, I have more energy and feel alot calmer.

  91. Rebecca

    I have found my cure. So awesome!!

  92. Shelly

    A year ago I became a new “older” Mother, as its called in the medical world… Having a second child at 42 with an 8 year gap from the first one… It hit me hard physically.. The pregnancy was the worst, with severe case of Hyperemesis gravidarum for most of my pregnancy.. thinking this child is trying to kill me.. We then gave birth to a very healthy baby boy who is just a delight.. except for the fact that he stripped all of my body & mind of pre pregnancy normality.. I had severe mood swings, waking up angry for no reason at all.. more tired than usual, no energy, unable to sleep, feeling just completely not myself.. questioning myself if i had post natal depression?? but I was happy in general, loved my life, family, lifestyle & didn’t feel depressed… just felt on edge & unable to rationally deal with things as I normally would… I was taking vitamins, eating well, exercising.. but still felt bad & the weight was going no where but up… I saw the add for 30 plus on TV one evening, a light bulb went on.. My hormones must be out of whack after the pregnancy & birth.. So I ordered some & started taking them.. Within a couple of weeks I was a new women back to me again… I felt my normal! it was a huge relief on me & my poor family!! Now its just the usual PMS systems but even that is way way better with my rational emotions more in check at our womanly time…The 30 Plus has been a sanity saver! I swear by it & would recommend it to any women of any age who are feeling a little not like themselves… I only ask do you make one for kids as their hormones change.. to help them cope.. one for boys specifically I am after.. ??

  93. Frances

    I had terrible hormonal acne after having kids, and really short cycles. After two months on 30 PLUS my cycles are back to normal and my skin has improved so much. I’m so glad I didn’t have to go on some super intense drugs to help my skin!

  94. Laura

    These were the best thing that happened for me. I was really out of sorts and like some women on here as well, I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with depression. I saw these and thought I’d try them instead of anti-depressants, turned out it was my hormones out of whack. I couldn’t recommend these enough.

  95. Gaby

    This has helped me enormously with my skin. 36 and still struggle with acne, especially cystic acne. The changes have been noticeably significant. Also have noticed more energy and clarity. Will be going into my second month supply.

  96. Melissa

    this stuff is absolutely amazing, I notice a big difference if I stop taking it. definitely has worked for me

    • Katy – NuWoman (store manager)

      That’s great to hear Melissa!

  97. Lyndsey (store manager)

    I cannot keep this good a secret to myself! I have been taking 30 plus nuwoman for a month and 3 days. I feel so much better within myself and life!! my periods are definitely lighter and easier to manage before and during. I’m not as emotional and bloated, it’s such a relief!

  98. Megz Meier (store manager)

    I have been using the Nuwoman for a few weeks now. I have felt so much better and have lost weight and sleeping better. I have had no mood swings and just feeling very positive. I am having a good experience on these at the moment so I will continue.

  99. Joy (store manager)

    These pills are a god send before finding these before every monthly cycle I would have a massive gallstone attack in which i found out estrogen dominance was the cause of the monthly attacks. I have been on these for over 6 years and no gallstone attack . Love this product ❤❤❤❤

  100. Jess – Pharmacist (store manager)

    I have been taking these for a few months now and am loving how well they are working! As a Pharmacist its always good to find natural products that actually work and I would definitely recommend these! My hormonal break outs have cleared up significantly plus my sugar cravings have reduced, meaning I have lost weight as I’m not snacking on sugary treats to keep my energy levels up! I find that I have more energy and my mood is a lot more stable. Great stuff and not just for ladies over 30.

  101. Ali (store manager)

    Absolutely loving NuWoman 30 PLUS, it’s definitely made a huge difference in my life, especially having endometriosis and a hysterectomy. My moods, energy and sleep. My partner says my moods are way better, I snap alot less. 🤣🤣 I sleep better. And have more energy, most mornings don’t need pre-workout b4 gym. If you’re having a few hormone issues I recommend checking NuWoman 30 PLUS out

  102. Jasmine (store manager)

    The best hormone support out! It actually works! I noticed results within the first week personally but it can be different for everyone. I noticed clearer skin, next to no sugar cravings both which I have struggled with my whole life and nothing else has helped! More consistent moods and energy levels! Worth every cent!  💕💕💕

  103. Machen (store manager)

    I had the worst PMT (PMS.) For a full week I felt bloated, cramps, and beware to my husband. This was 1/4 of my life that was absolutely miserable. This product totally erased my PMT. Now, I have one little cramp, and that tells me it’s started. You must take 2 per day for optimal erasure of PMT, I suggest a pill counter. I didn’t see the perfect results until my second period on this NuWoman, but the first period was so much better–imagine my surprise month 2! Great Stuff. Wish I found it as a teen!

  104. Vickie H (store manager)

    Wow thank you so much NuWoman you saved my marriage! I have taken NuWoman 30 PLUS for well over 15 years and my husband could tell if I’d missed taking my ‘chill pill’. We are about to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary and I thank you for being with me on our life journey xoxo

  105. Sophie (store manager)

    I am sure these already worked first cycle. I have noticed less cravings and more mild pre-menstrual symptoms. Well worth it if you feel like your monthly cycle impacts your mood and behaviour.

  106. Zena (store manager)

    Really good – more energy and less cranky. I found these tablets really helped me with energy and overall mood (my husband thinks they are good)

  107. Nicki (store manager)

    Feeling sooo much better! Helped with bloating sugar cravings, sleep, mood swings. I went off them for a month was meaning to buy more and kept forgetting and noticed how tired I was and all the symptoms came back. Recommend these to anyone to try.

  108. Dana Patterson

    Tiredeness and moods. 30 PLUS is my lifesaver.

  109. Tina Long

    I highly recommend these (NuWoman 30 PLUS). They are great if you are in peri menopause. Have just got the new menopause ones Menopause + Bone

  110. Haylee May

    I’ve just finished my first 30 days on these pills. Honestly, my results so far have been really good. Usually, I’m a complete emotional mess, especially a week before my period. I get really low and depressed, cry all the time, have crazy mood swings and yell and rage at my partner and the kids. This month, I reckon my crazy mood swings have minimised at least by 50%. My partner thinks they’re fantastic. I also noticed that my lady parts seem to be working more than usual if you know what I mean
    I just in general feel more in control of my anger which is huge for me.
    Every month, for the last year I have random spotting from ovulation-period, but this month was the first month I haven’t had that!
    Last month I was seriously struggling to fall asleep, having trouble switching off and overthinking for hours. I swear every night I have been asleep within 2 mins of closing my eyes and have had some of the best, deep sleeps. The only downfall I have noticed is that as a sufferer of anxiety, my anxiety over the last two weeks seems to be really quite bad. This could be a complete coincidence so I’m riding this one out. I’ve told myself I’m going to do at least 3 months of nuwoman, hopefully the anxiety increase is just my body adjusting to the way my hormones are doing their thing

  111. Jade

    Love this product has helped me immensely

  112. Tania Armstrong

    Absolutely swear by this product. Every woman should give 30+ a go. No more sudden onset of tears Smooths out mood swings

  113. Angela

    Stopped menorrhagia (I’m in my early 30’s) so literally saved my life as it’s an ongoing medical mystery. Took only 3 days
    2 weeks later my skin was no longer exhibiting hormonal acne. Makes heat bearable. Lessens cramp discomfort. Stronger nails. Nicer hair. Glowing skin. Easier sleep. Balanced mood.
    I sing your praises every opportunity. Thank you.

  114. Imogen

    2 weeks into taking these life saver pills! I know many say when taking products they don’t show results until at least 2 weeks.. but I definitely noticed the difference within the first few days of taking these amazing pills, honestly never felt soo good. Having had 2 pregnancies & dealing everyday with an almost 5 year old & busy 1 year old these have given me so much energy and less emotional outbursts. I’ve gone to the doctors to try help me and they just overlook my problems and put me on iron tablets which don’t help at all and gives you constipation IMO. But these!!! Definitely knew something was off about me.. I feel brand new again and not worn down. Bought them on special at Countdown and just had to try and now will continue to have a constant supply of these! Love the product! Fantastic Results

  115. Amy

    These supplements were the first supplements I went on and they helped so good compared to my pills from the Dr that would zombie me out and less human. What is also neat about them is I got pregnant without knowing that would happen because my hormones became balanced I wasn’t having pms symptoms. Grateful my mums friend recommended them.

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