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You’re smart, confident, a real high achiever who’s worked hard to get where you are in your career. But you’re not entirely happy about how you’re doing it.  

In fact, you’ve noticed how grumpy you get at co-workers, you have difficulty concentrating, get stressed and can’t remember key tasks. What’s going on?  

It could be hormones and for career women across the country it can turn the workplace into an emotional battleground. For Gaia, a  successful business woman,  that’s exactly what was happening.  

“I’d feel quite irrational, even angry at times. If there was a stressful situation rather than being the calm person I normally am I would react in ways that put people off. Hormones really did impact my work.” 

Discussing hormones isn’t easy at the best of times, let alone in the boardroom. Career women are understandably reluctant to discuss an issue that could undermine a hard-earned position of authority and control in the workplace. Fortunately for Gaia, once she made the decision to seek help it came during a work trip to Hamilton. 

“I went to a health food store and I told the lady behind the counter my symptoms and she immediately went for 30 PLUS NuWoman. I went home and took my first pill and haven’t looked back”. 

30 PLUS NuWoman is a 100% natural formula designed to support hormone levels naturally. It helps with mood swings, irritability, anxiousness, the types of emotional symptoms you need to avoid in a busy workplace. For Gaia, the results were obvious.   

“I’m a lot more rational, continuously and I feel more confident that my responses to stressful scenarios are going to be ones that Gaia would be proud of. It’s definitely made work life better.”  

And it seems 30 PLUS NuWoman has worked so well for Gaia it’s become a must-have for work trips.   

“I don’t go anywhere without my 30 PLUS. I’m leaving Monday and I’ve written down 30 PLUS and my hair straightener as the two main things coming with me!” 

You can hear more about Gaia’s story by watching her video interview or visit our homepage to learn about other women that 30 PLUS NuWoman has helped.

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