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Mother, Cross Fit Enthusiast

Chantal is a mum and CrossFit enthusiast. She began to have hormonal troubles after she had her first child 9 years ago. Since then she has felt worse after each child she has had.

Her first attempt at controlling her hormonal imbalance was to visit her doctor who prescribed her pills to help her feel more stable at certain times of the month. This didn’t work for Chantal and made her feel worse.

She decided to go down a natural path to deal with her hormonal imbalance, and when a friend recommended 30 PLUS NuWoman she decided to give it a go. Within 2 – 3 weeks she started feeling the benefits of what she calls her “Magic little pill” and felt like a horrible fog had been lifted. Feeling happy and energised even her husband and children commented on how much she had changed.

I’ve been dealing with hormonal problems since before I had my first child and I feel like after every pregnancy it got worse. I would go the doctor and explain to them what was going on and they would always try to give me medicated pills to make me feel more stable, be a nicer mum, be less irritable, more confident, that sort of thing.

I tried them they didn’t work for me, they made me feel awful. I wanted to go down a natural path and that’s when a friend introduced me to 30 Plus NuWoman.

This magic little pill, within two to three weeks, made me feel amazing. My mood changed. This horrible fog had been lifted and I was happy again. I had more energy and even my husband and kids noticed.

If you would like more information on 30 PLUS NuWoman or have a question then give us a call on 0800 657 876 (NZ only) or use the contact form on our website